Andrew Steel,

IT, Website & Marketing Manager

28th January 2022

My Work Placement with Kiwi Education


My name is Cameron Barfoot, I’m 23 years old and I have recently started a two week-placement at Kiwi Education helping out with IT and Marketing.


After completing my Kickstart Scheme back in November 2021, I was looking for my next step. After finding out about Kiwi Education, I got in touch about their Traineeship programme. Shortly after contacting them I received a voicemail from Maddie  (who became my work coach) regarding a traineeship at Kiwi Education which could help me with my search for future employment. After hearing what Maddie had to say I was intrigued. I then enrolled on a Kiwi Education traineeship, to  earn some qualifications and gain some more work experience before I started my new job with YMCA in the New Year. 


I was super excited as I’ve got something to do occupy my time! I was even looking forward to getting back to an learning environment even if the programme was a little different to the usual classroom, as odd as it sounds, I missed having some homework! It was great I could do the online courses from home, and fit the learning around my time! Plus I was able to use my experience at YMCA to answer some questions on the Safeguarding & Prevent Level 2 course. And my second course Data Protection & Data Security Level 2 gave me new skills I could take on to the future workplace.  For the Traineeship, it requires a two-week work placement which was difficult to find in time due to my Christmas and New Years’ plans. However in the new year, more opportunities began to open up and I was able to start a placement with a local telecoms business, after gaining some experience there I decided I wanted to try something different elsewhere .


Kiwi arranged for me to move my placement to what I was more interested in and what could meet my needs going forward. I then started with Kiwi’s own in house IT and Marketing team which I found much better. I learnt so much even from my first day! I have learnt how to use some design software such as Canva & WordPress, and also learned about Digital Marketing. Since working with the team I have also contributed to some published content such as a Facebook post, a blog post, which also allowed me explore more with my creative writing.


Overall, I really enjoyed my placement at Kiwi and I feel the courses I completed have helped me understand Data Protection and Data Security. Additionally, the courses helped me to explore the more in-depths of Safeguarding and Prevent. Both of which I can carry with me to my new role at YMCA!


I would strongly recommend a Traineeship with Kiwi Education to anyone who wants to learn news skills, and to gain work experience to help them get a permanent job in the future.



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