Andrew Steel,

IT, Website & Marketing Manager

17th June 2022

My Work Placement with Kiwi Education


Hi, my name is Brendan Miller, I’m 23 and looking to start a career in IT & hope to further my career in this field.


I have been looking for an apprenticeship and looking to improve my employability with the help of Universal Credit. I was pointed to Kiwi and got in touch to get some qualifications and experience to better my chances. I was later contacted by Maddie (who became my work coach) to start the traineeship to get qualifications in, Data Protection & Data Security, and Cyber Security. Once I had completed a few units of each qualification I was contacted to organise my work placement.


At my placement it was quite good as it allowed me to get into a schedule and has given me a much better ability to focus. I very much enjoyed my time there as the work was interesting as it was stuff I hadn’t had a chance to do before and to do other tasks I have done before but in a professional setting, which is very helpful For CVs and interviews.


I ended up doing quite a lot of marketing work, which was new to me but it was very interesting to do and quite fun. I had plenty of help from the team and learned a lot. I, for the most part, used Canva, and a bit of Mailchimp and wrote a few blog posts, and while marketing is not the main part of the job role I’m aiming for, I believe that I can take these skills with me into any future role. I also got the chance to do some of the wipes and setup of laptops, as well as replace hard drives and identify hardware issues.


Overall, I have enjoyed my time here and it’s been really helpful to get some work experience, actually doing some work and contributing has taught me far more about the role and parts of the job than any lecture could. It’s helped me gain confidence and has better prepared me for applying and interviewing for jobs in the future.

I would strongly recommend a Traineeship with Kiwi Education to anyone who wants to learn new skills and gain work experience to help them get a permanent job in the future.



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