Andrew Steel,

IT, Website & Marketing Manager

18th January 2022

Work Placement coming soon?

Want to know how to get the most out of it? Then this guideline will help.


Work experience placements are a great way to get your foot in the door in the industry you want to work in. The guideline below will help you to increase your chances for permanent employment in the future.


First Impression:

First impression are important because, if you don’t impress your employer from the start, you’re not gonna get very far. Be polite, show good manners, show willingness to learn, dress appropriately. Treat it as if you want to keep your job.



Get to know people / colleagues:

Find out how or what your colleagues do their work on, socialise with them, go to the pub. Learning about your colleagues outside of work will make your work relationship stronger, and it’ll make things so much easier.


Be organised:

Get to work on time or early. No late assignments. Don’t do assignments last minute. Employers love great organisation.


Get Involved or Suggest Ideas:

Get involved in everything at work, show enthusiasm. Get involved in their social activities. Suggest some ideas, employers love hearing your ideas. Don’t be afraid to speak up or voice your opinions. Outside knowledge can give a better perspective.


Offer help:

No matter if it’s a family member, a stranger, or a colleague, people love getting help. Offering help can make someone’s day, and it can improve your confidence.


Ask Questions:

Asking questions shows you’re taking an interest at the job. Employers love it.


Make notes:

Making notes on work will make the job much easier.


Ask for feedback:

If you don’t ask for feedback, you can’t improve your skills.



Reflection is important. Reflect on everything. Did it go well? Where could you improve? More you reflect, the better your skills will be.



Hopefully this guideline has helped you to gain the confidence you need to gain full employment. Happy job hunting!



Get Started With Kiwi!


This summer, taking a traineeship is an excellent opportunity to gain some experience. It has also proven a great strategy for those looking to get into skilled work with little experience. So if you’ve recently finished your A-levels or GCSE’s and your unsure what to do next, Kiwi has many options to get the ball rolling.

We take pride in helping connect companies and organisations to the right people looking to gain experience and develop their skills ready for the workplace of tomorrow!



Get in touch today, we would love to hear from you!


Call us on – Tel: 02380 170380.

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