Help and Support Hub

Relationship Abuse

Relationship Abuse Support

Relationship abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents involving the use of controlling, intimidating, violent, or threatening behaviour towards intimate partners or family members.


Relationship abuse does not always involve violence, it can be emotional, psychological, financial, or sexual and can involve threats, isolation, humiliation, and intimidation.

What Kiwi do


  • If we suspect or are notified that someone has been abused or is at risk, we take action
  • We are approachable and give victims of relationship abuse support and reassurance.
  • When we believe staff or learners are at danger of abuse, we apply our Safeguarding Policy and report concerns to the appropriate organisations
  • We will work with all staff and students to boost their self-esteem and confidence
  • We do frequent telephone evaluations and trainer visits/reviews to assess our learners well-being
  • On our website, we offer guidance and information in the help and support section, as well as contact information for national organisations that can assist

What you will do


  • If I suspect that someone else is a victim of relationship abuse, I will contact the relevant person for support and escalate if needed
  • I will support others who have been impacted and affected by relationship abuse
  • If I believe I am the victim of relationship abuse, I will seek help and talk to someone
  • I will be aware of my own actions and how it may effect others.

How to get support

If you are worried or have any concerns, please contact our Kiwi Safeguarding team using the numbers below or reach out to us using the contact us button. 


Contact us here

Other Useful Resources

Women's Aid

The National Domestic Violence helpline, a 24-hour confidential domestic abuse service run by Refuge and Women’s Aid.


  • Telephone: 0808 2000 247
  • Further support:

click here for support

Respect - Men's Advice Line

Men’s Advice Line is a team of friendly Advisors who will listen and believe you. Our team can offer you non-judgmental support, practical advice and information.

Our focus is to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic abuse (and the safety of any children) by providing confidential support.


  • Telephone: 0808 8010327
click here for support

Rape Crisis

Rape Crisis England & Wales is the charity working to end sexual violence and abuse.


click here for support

Survivors UK

A society that acknowledges, supports, and advocates for men and non-binary people who have been affected by rape or sexual abuse.


  • TEXT SMS: 020 3322 1860
  • TEXT WHATSAPP: 074 9181 6064
click here for support